Foundation Learning Guide Series

Part of the Certification Foundation Learning Product Family

See all titles in the Foundation Learning Guide Series

Cisco authorized Foundation Learning books for Cisco certification foundation learning

  • Cisco authorized, self-paced learning tools that help networking professionals build their understanding of networking concepts and prepare for Cisco certification exams
  • Developed together with Cisco, the developers of the certification courses and exams
  • Sought by readers for certification preparation and general reference
  • Part of a recommended learning path endorsed by Cisco, and the only official Foundation Learning Guides available—no other publisher is authorized to publish this type of material

What are Foundation Learning Guides?
Implementing Cisco Switched Networks (SWITCH) Foundation Learning Guide The primary goal of Foundation Learning Guides is to provide networking professionals with thorough, in-depth texts that are valuable Foundation Learning tools for Cisco certification exams and are practical handbooks for effective network design, deployment, and management. Foundation Learning Guides, which are based on Cisco courses, provide essential foundation learning and thoroughly cover topics addressed in those courses. To be a truly useful Foundation Learning tool, however, these guides also contain additional information and detail wherever necessary.

Book elements within the Foundation Learning Guide Series feature real-world case studies, configuration examples, instructor analogies and anecdotes, and chapter-ending review questions—each of which help build a foundation for learning.

Who should read Foundation Learning Guides?
The primary audience is networking professionals new to a subject area who need to build a learning foundation on a networking subject and who need an on-the-job desk reference. The secondary audience is Cisco course attendees who use these guides as supplements to their course material or networking professionals who need early-stage Foundation Learning materials for an exam.

Who edits Foundation Learning Guides?
Editors of Foundation Learning Guides are well-respected internetworking instructors, many of whom are certified Cisco instructors and teach courses at Cisco Learning Partners. Together they have more than 150 years of industry experience and hold dozens of Cisco certifications, including the highly regarded CCIE certification.

What role do Foundation Learning Guides play in Cisco certification preparation?
Foundation Learning Guides provide the first stage of learning—teaching course concepts and building a foundation of understanding. After building this foundation, candidates reach for Network Simulators to gain hands-on experience, followed by Certification Guides, Video Mentors, Quick References, and 31 Days series.