Internet Connectivity
Most enterprises have multiple sites with different numbers of users at the sites, but they are usually grouped into two site types: larger central WAN sites and smaller branch WAN sites. The larger site types typically host more of the users and services. The smaller branch offices tend to have a low user count and a smaller number of hosted services. Both central and branch sites typically need Internet access, but there are high availability considerations to think about when selecting the Internet access design for a given site type. When choosing an Internet connectivity option, remember to consider the business requirements and the budget allocated for the design.
Internet connectivity options include the following:
Dual-router dual-homed: Provides the highest level of resiliency for Internet connectivity with full redundancy in hardware, links, and Internet service providers.
Single-router dual-homed: Provides a good level of redundancy for Internet connectivity through the use of multiple links and multiple Internet service providers.
Single-router single-homed: Provides the bare minimum for Internet connectivity, providing no levels of redundancy for the hardware, links, or Internet service providers.
Figure 9-5 shows Internet connectivity options with different levels of redundancy.

Figure 9-5 Internet Connectivity Options
Because central sites have larger user populations, they normally have higher Internet bandwidth connectivity and centralized access control for the Internet traffic flows. Although most branch offices have Internet connections, many of them still have their Internet traffic backhauled over the WAN to the central site, where centralized access control can occur.
Internet for Remote Sites
When designing the Internet traffic flows for remote site locations, you have two main options to consider. One option, referred to as centralized Internet access, involves tunneling all the Internet traffic back to the data center or main site. With this option, you have more control over the Internet traffic with centralized security services such as URL filtering, firewalling, and intrusion prevention. However, this approach has some drawbacks because the bandwidth requirements and cost will be higher for your WAN links to the branch locations, and it increases the delay for any Internet-based traffic. Another option is to allow Internet-destined traffic at each branch to use the dedicated local Internet connection or VPN split tunneling. There are some advantages with this approach; your bandwidth requirements and the cost for your MPLS VPN links will be lower for your branch locations because you do not need to transport Internet traffic on them. This approach does have some drawbacks, however, because the local Internet access may violate your security policy by exposing more Internet points within your organization that need protection with security services.
Here are some pros and cons of each of these options:

Centralized Internet for each remote site: Higher bandwidth is available, and security policies are centralized, but traffic flows are suboptimal. This option might require additional redundancy at the Internet edge, which may or may not be present.
Direct Internet for remote site: Traffic flows are optimal, but it is more difficult to manage distributed security policies. This option also has a higher risk of Internet attacks due to the greater number of attachment points.
High Availability for the Internet Edge
When you have decided to have two Internet routers, each with a link to two different Internet service providers, you need to think about the logical design for the routers, including failover options. Logical Internet high availability design considerations include the following:
Use a public BGP AS number for eBGP connections to the ISPs.
Use provider-independent IP address space to allow for advertisement to both ISPs.
Receive full or partial Internet routing tables to optimize forwarding outbound.
Use HSRP/GLBP or an IGP such as EIGRP or OSPF internally.