Chapter 2. What Is Segment Routing over MPLS (SR-MPLS)?
We took a brief look at MPLS and its shortcomings in Chapter 1, “MPLS in a Nutshell.” Now it is time to build a solid understanding of segment routing (SR) so you will be ready for the upcoming chapters, which cover high-level design, configuration, and verification of various transport- and service-related aspects of SR-enabled networks. This chapter introduces basic segment routing concepts by using an analogy and then goes into the theory behind the MPLS data plane encapsulation implementation. This chapter covers Segment Routing for MPLS (SR-MPLS), and Chapter 3, “What Is Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6)?” covers IPv6 (SRv6) data plane encapsulations. The terms, abbreviations, and acronyms introduced in this chapter are consistently used throughout the remainder of this book.
Before delving into the more technical specifications of segment routing, let’s consider a simplified high-level analogy that serves as an example to explain underlying key concepts. The central processing unit (CPU) installed in an everyday device, such as a mobile phone, smart TV, laptop, or router is the brain of the system that controls other components, such as memory, hard disk, and a network interface card. The main task of the CPU is to execute program instructions in the form of machine code. Machine code is platform-specific binary code consisting of zeros and ones that is not human readable. Machine code for a given program is not portable between processor architectures; for example, ARM64 architecture-based machine code is not compatible with and cannot be run on x64 architecture-based devices and vice versa. You could think of it as two gingerbread recipes, one written in English and one in Bahasa Indonesian, each providing a list of instructions. While the Indonesian alphabet uses the same 26 letters as the English alphabet, a native English speaker will not be able to read or follow the recipe written in Bahasa Indonesian.
High-level programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, and Go allow programmers to write code that is independent of the underlying hardware architecture and human readable and that provides an abstraction layer to hide low-level hardware details. For instance, Example 2-1 shows a simple computer program that allocates a few variables, stores the sum of a + b in a variable, and sends the result to the standard output (that is, the user’s screen in the terminal).
Example 2-1 High-Level C++ Source Code
#include <stdio.h> int main(void){ int a,b,c; a=1; b=2; c=a+b; printf("%d + %d = %d\n",a,b,c); }
A compiler is a special program that translates high-level programming language source code into machine code that can be executed on a CPU. As an intermediate step, a compiler creates assembler code, which is one step away from machine code. Unlike machine code, assembler code is human readable and nicely shows the order of instructions that must be executed by the CPU to achieve the specified outcome of the high-level source code. Example 2-2 shows the same program from Example 2-1 but in assembler code.
Example 2-2 Low-Level Assembler Source Code
.LC0: .string "%d + %d = %d\n" main: push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 16 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 2 mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-4] mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-8] add eax, edx mov DWORD PTR [rbp-12], eax mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rbp-12] mov edx, DWORD PTR [rbp-8] mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4] mov esi, eax mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0 mov eax, 0 call printf mov eax, 0 leave ret
The assembler program consists of a list of instructions whose machine code counterparts will be executed one by one by the CPU at runtime. A special CPU register, generally referred to as the program counter, stores the memory address of the current instruction. Upon completion, the program counter is incremented, and the next instruction is fetched from the updated memory address to be executed. In other words, the program counter keeps track of where the CPU is in the program execution—that is, where it is in the sequence of instructions.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand the assembler program. The details are not relevant. What is relevant is the fact that there are different instructions, such as push, mov, sub, and add, that seem to accept one or more parameters. The supported instructions vary between hardware architectures and CPU models. The instruction set architecture (ISA) defines which instructions can be used by a software program to control the CPU. Reading such a manual reveals that instructions have the following format:
label: mnemonic argument1, argument2, argument3
label is an identifier (not related to MPLS labels).
mnemonic is a name for a class of instructions that have the same function.
Arguments are mandatory or optional, depending on the mnemonic.
Example 2-2 shows a label called main, followed by push (mnemonic) and rbp (argument1). This instruction tells the CPU to store a special register on the stack, whereas the add eax, edx instruction takes two arguments to perform the addition of a + b in the source code. This simple program uses common instructions, but applications in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) use more complex and specialized instructions. In principle, there are no limits on what kind of instructions a CPU can execute, as long as it is implemented in hardware and there is a practical benefit of implementing it. The length of an instruction may vary within an ISA, depending on the underlying hardware architecture.
Finally, executing the binary yields the output shown in Example 2-3.
Example 2-3 Output of Program Execution
cisco@ubuntu-server:~/Code$ ./program 1 + 2 = 3 cisco@ubuntu-server:~/Code$
At this point, you might wonder about the relevance of CPU instructions, program counters, and instruction formats in a segment routing book. The coming paragraphs shed light on the analogy and emphasize similarities between computer and segment routing architectures.
Segment routing (RFC 8402) leverages source routing, which allows the source node (ingress PE node) to steer a packet flow through the SR domain. This ability is a key difference from traditional MPLS-based networks, where ingress PE nodes lack such fine-grained control over the traffic path through the network when relying on LDP labels. Traffic engineering (TE) techniques enable the optimization of traffic distribution in MPLS networks at the cost of additional protocols such as Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) and network state information (TE tunnels) in the network, which is challenging to operate and negatively impacts the overall network scale. Segment routing significantly simplifies the network protocol stack by superseding signaling protocols like LDP or RSVP-TE.
Instead, SR extensions elevate the underlying link-state routing protocol, providing a comprehensive view of the network topology across the entire domain, to provide the same functionality that relied on multiple protocols in the past. The interior gateway protocol (IGP) advertises segments, which are essentially network instructions, throughout the network, which guarantees that every node within the domain has the same view. The flooding of segments enables the IGP to replace the previously mentioned signaling protocols and facilitates moving any tunnel state information from the network to the packet headers. A segment can have global significance within the network, such as instructing nodes in the SR domain to steer traffic to a specific node, or local significance, such as instructing a specific node to steer traffic across a specific interface.
Figure 2-1 shows the two supported data planes of the segment routing architecture. SR-MPLS reuses the MPLS data plane, whereas SR IPv6 (SRv6) relies on the IPv6 data plane.

Figure 2.1 Segment Routing Data Planes
As previously mentioned, a segment represents a single instruction identified by a segment identifier (SID). The length of a SID depends on the underlying data plane. For SR-MPLS, the SID is 20 bits long and is written in the Label field of the MPLS header. In contrast, an SRv6 SID is a 128-bit identifier in the Destination Address field of the IPv6 header. As with the assembler program shown in Example 2-2, multiple ordered instructions can be expressed as a list of segments. A list of segments can be realized using multiple SIDs, which in the MPLS data plane results in a label stack. In the SRv6 data plane, a list of segments may be encoded using the segment routing header (SRH), a micro-SID (uSID) carrier, or a combination of both, depending on the SRv6 flavor and the number of segments. The fundamental terminology of segment routing is agnostic to the underlying data plane; the concept of a segment, SID, and list of segments applies to both encapsulation types.
You may have come across the term network as a computer in the context of segment routing, in reference to the network as a large distributed system where several devices work together to execute a network program consisting of a list of instructions or segments. All nodes within an SR domain must speak a common language to be able to interpret the segments correctly. SR can be applied to both the MPLS and IPv6 architectures, which means that nodes within an SR domain are not limited to networking devices if they understand the underlying data plane. This is especially true for IPv6, which is widely supported across a range of different networking nodes from the Internet of Things (IoT) in the industry to containers in the data center. Figure 2-2 shows an imaginary local weather station with sensors in three different locations and some services running in a data center (DC).

Figure 2.2 Weather Station Network Topology
The sensors connect to a local service provider (SP) using different access technologies. Each sensor measures temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure on a regular basis and transmits the data to a microservice hosted in a remote data center (on the right-hand side of the figure). The collected data is processed, stored, and evaluated every 24 hours to provide the weather forecast for the next seven days. It goes without saying that meteorology is far more complex than presented here, but this illustration will suffice for our example.
The SR domain in our example includes metro, core, and data center, up to and including the virtual machine or container, which means that segments could be executed by any of the nodes belonging to the SR domain. Within an SR domain, different roles can be distinguished:
Source/ingress node: Handles the traffic as it enters the SR domain.
Transit node: Handles the forwarding of traffic within the SR domain.
Endpoint/egress node: Handles the traffic as it leaves the SR domain.
In traditional Layer 3 virtual private network (VPN) services, service provider and customer networks are isolated logically using virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances or access lists on the service edge to protect the SP infrastructure. Consequently, VRF instances or access lists are used to enforce the demarcation point of the SR domain. In our example, all three weather station sensors are isolated from the SP through VRF instances on the PE node, which means a network program can only be initiated by the ingress PE device receiving customer traffic.
Unlike in traditional software development, with segment routing there are no high-level network programming languages available. Instead, a network program is defined as an ordered list of segments, also known as an SR policy, that steers a packet flow along a desired path in the network. SR policies are source-routed policies identified through the tuple, such as headend, color, or endpoint. Headend and endpoint should be self-explanatory; the 32-bit color value identifies the intent or objective of the policy. The endpoint and color are used as identifiers to steer traffic into the corresponding SR policy. Examples of such an intent are low latency or MACsec encrypted paths from the headend to the endpoint. The source routing is crucial in moving the traffic engineering tunnel state from intermediate routers to the packet headers imposed by the ingress node through an SR policy.
Complementary information on how to implement such traffic engineering capabilities using the IGP is provided in the section “IGP Flexible Algorithm (Flex Algo) (RFC 9350),” later in this chapter. Example 2-4 shows an imaginary SR policy that defines a loose path from the ingress PE node (source node) to the container (endpoint node) hosting the weather application via two transit nodes. Note that there are two area border routers (ABRs) in the metro and the data center, which may result in equal-cost multipath routing (ECMP). If desired, a more restrictive path could be defined, such as using a specific ABR or only traversing the core over MACsec-encrypted links.
Example 2-4 Network Program Pseudocode
policy weather-app-policy 1 goto ABR Metro 2 goto ABR DC 3 goto container weather-app
Figure 2-3 shows the ordered list of segments expressed in this pseudocode.

Figure 2.3 Network Program Segment Routing Policy (SR-MPLS)
The ingress PE node imposes one or more additional headers to encapsulate the original customer packet. Note that the exact headers depend on the underlying data plane, as discussed in detail in the section “Segment Routing for MPLS (SR-MPLS),” later in this chapter, and in Chapter 3. The additional encapsulation overhead is negligible in most cases and justified by the significant scalability gains in the backbone network achieved by transferring the tunnel state information from the network to the packet. In the case of SR-MPLS, the length of the list of segments decreases as the network program is executed. The first segment is executed by one of the ABR metro nodes. The metro ABR pops its own instruction from the stack and forwards the packet toward an ABR DC, which pops its own instruction and forwards the packet toward the weather-app container. Eventually, the packet reaches its destination, which in our example is the SR-aware weather-app container that decapsulates and processes the inner IP packet. Note that this example excludes a few details, such as penultimate hop popping (PHP) and the BGP service label for simplicity.
It should be becoming clear now that the execution of segments in a segment routing domain and the execution of instructions in computer architectures share several fundamental principles. In fact, those similarities are even more prominent with SRv6, as you will see in Chapter 3, which covers the Segments Left field of the SRH and the SRv6 SID format that are comparable to the program counter and instruction format, respectively.
The segment routing ecosystem encompasses a wide variety of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards and drafts across numerous working groups. The standardization process for segment routing has been progressing at an impressive pace, and most key drafts have become proposed standards. One exception worth highlighting here is the SRv6 compression drafts that are in the later stages of the standardization process. The successful mass-scale rollout of SR lead operators shows that there is no reason to delay the SR adoption.
Figure 2-4 displays a selection of the most important building blocks that make up segment routing (RFC 8402) and the segment routing policy architecture (RFC 9256).

Figure 2.4 Segment Routing Architecture
Problem Description and Requirements
Before we delve into the details of segment routing, it is helpful to recall the problems and requirements segment routing aims to address and what it does not address. RFC 7855 takes into account many of the shortcomings of MPLS described in Chapter 1 and proposes a new network architecture based on source routing. These are the key take-aways in the RFC:
The SPRING architecture must be backward compatible. That is, SPRING-capable and non-SPRING-capable nodes must be able to interoperate for both MPLS and IPv6 data planes.
Existing MPLS VPN services must be deployable using the SPRING architecture without the need for additional signaling protocols.
Fast reroute (FRR) computation and preprogramming are supported in any topology without the need for additional signaling protocols.
FRR must support link and node protection, micro-loop avoidance, and shared risk constraints.
Traffic engineering must be implemented without additional signaling protocols. The policy state should be part of the packet header instead of having states stored on midpoints and tailends per policy.
Traffic engineering must support both strict and loose options, based on the distributed or centralized model.
Egress peer engineering (EPE) allows the administrator of an autonomous system (AS) to select the exit point of the local AS based on the egress peering node, the egress interface, or a peering AS.
Policies can be pushed through an SDN controller at the headend, which allows decoupling of the data and control planes.
The “SPRING Problem Statement and Requirements” effort led to the segment routing architecture standardization and guided other proposed standards of the SR ecosystem. The next section covers the SR-MPLS data and control plane in detail and introduces both IGP and BGP extensions that define the SR-MPLS solution.