This chapter covers the following subjects:
- Large-Scale Internet Threats: Reviews IPv6 worms, DDoS attacks, and botnets
- Ingress/Egress Filtering: Describes filtering at network perimeters to prevent spoofed packets
- Securing BGP Sessions: Describes securing the Internet routing protocol
- IPv6 over MPLS Security: Explains security in IPv6 service provider networks
- Customer Premises Equipment: Describes security of IPv6-capable end-user devices
- Prefix Delegation Threats: Describes issues related to providing IPv6 addresses to service provider customers
- Multihoming Issues: Explains connecting to multiple service providers
Many people are surprised to learn that IPv6 is already running on the Internet. The Internet can run both IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously because the protocols are independent of each other. Those who do not have IPv6 connectivity cannot access IPv6 services provided over the Internet.
There are many large-scale threats on the current IPv4 Internet, and IPv6 will be evaluated to improve this situation. These threats have the potential to deny service to critical services and spread malware. IPv6 can reduce many of the attacks that are so prevalent on the IPv4 Internet. Attackers can forge packets, so filtering based on IP address is a requirement. One of the key security measures when connecting to the Internet is to perform ingress and egress filtering of IPv6 packets. Because the IPv6 addresses are quite different than IPv4 addresses, filtering IPv6 addresses is also unique.
Security within a service provider's environment is also a focus area. How a service provider secures its network directly impacts the security of the Internet at large. Service providers use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) extensively, so the secure use of this routing protocol is a fundamental practice. Service providers make use of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) in their core networks. This chapter covers the security of this protocol with respect to IPv6.
Service providers must connect millions of customers and their customer premises equipment (CPE) to the Internet. This must be done securely to provide worry-free Internet access to the general public. Because IPv6 addresses are assigned hierarchically, the assignment of addresses to customers must also be done safely.
Many enterprise customers want to be connected to multiple service providers for added assurance that their networks will remain operational if a single service provider's network has problems. However, this provides challenges for IPv6, so there are some emerging solutions to this conundrum.
This book starts out covering IPv6 security from the outside inward, so it is logical to start by looking at the Internet-facing network components. This chapter covers how to secure your network when it is connected to the IPv6 Internet.
Large-Scale Internet Threats
The Internet is not a safe place anymore. Back in the late 1980s, the cooperative organizations that made up the Internet were primarily universities, research institutions, and military organizations. However, this changed on November 2, 1988, when the Morris Internet worm was unintentionally released. The Morris worm was the first large-scale Internet denial of service (DoS) attack. Until that time, the Internet was a communication tool for sharing information between collaborative and friendly organizations. After that event and as the Internet grew, the Internet started to have a sinister shadow that meant organizations connecting to the Internet needed to protect themselves.
Now that the Internet has evolved to use both IPv4 and IPv6, the threats have also evolved. Packet-flooding attacks are possible using either IP version. Internet worms operate differently in IPv6 networks because of the large address space. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are still possible on the IPv6 Internet, but there are some new ways to track them. This involves the use of tracing back an attack toward its source to stop the attack or find the identity of the attacker. The following sections cover each of these large-scale Internet threats and discuss prevention methods.
Packet Flooding
IPv4 networks are susceptible to "Smurf" attacks, where a packet is forged from a victim's address and then sent to the subnet broadcast of an IPv4 LAN segment (for example, All hosts on that LAN segment receive that packet (icmp-echo with a large payload) and send back an echo reply to the spoofed victim address. This overloads the victim's IP address with lots of traffic and causes a DoS. Many DoS attacks are easy to disable by simply entering no ip directed broadcasts to every Cisco Layer 3 interface within an organization. However, the default router behavior has been changed so now disabling directed broadcast forwarding is the default setting. This mitigation technique is documented in BCP 34/RFC 2504, "User's Security Handbook."
Because IPv6 does not use broadcasts as a form of communication, you might assume that these types of attacks are limited. However, IPv6 relies heavily on multicast, and these multicast addresses might be used for traffic amplification. An attacker on a subnet could try to send traffic to the link-local all nodes multicast address (FF02::1) and the link-local all routers multicast address (FF02::2).
One such example of using multicast to leverage an amplification attack is demonstrated with The Hacker's Choice (THC) IPv6 Attack Toolkit. It contains two utilities named smurf6 and rsmurf6. They operate much the same as the original IPv4 Smurf attacks but instead use multicast to amplify the attack. The smurf6 tool sends locally initiated Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) echo request packets toward the multicast address FF02::1, and then the hosts on that LAN that are vulnerable to the attack generate ICMPv6 echo response packets back to the source, which is the unknowing victim. The smurf6 victim can be on the local subnet with the attacker or on a remote subnet.
Example 3-1 shows how smurf6 can be used to affect a computer on the same subnet as the attacker. If the victim is on a different segment, the systems on this segment send the echo replies to the remote victim's system. The first parameter is the local attacker's interface, and the second parameter is the victim's IPv6 address.
Example 3-1. Smurf6 Attack
[root@fez thc-ipv6-0.7]# ./smurf6 eth0 2001:db8:11:0:b0f7:dd82:220:498b Starting smurf6 attack against 2001:db8:11:0:b0f7:dd82:220:498b (Press Control-C to end) ... [root@fez thc-ipv6-0.7]#
The rsmurf6 tool is coded a little differently. It sends ICMPv6 echo reply packets that are sourced from ff02::1 and destined for remote computers. If the destination computer (victim) is a Linux distribution that can respond to packets sourced from a multicast address, it responds to the source, which causes a traffic flood on the remote LAN. This form of amplification is particularly dangerous because each packet generated by rsmurf6 would translate into numerous packets on the remote LAN. Rsmurf6 is like a reverse smurf6 and only works on incorrectly coded implementations of the IPv6 stack. Therefore, it is not as effective as it once was when more vulnerable operating systems were in existence.
Example 3-2 shows how the rsmurf6 tool can be used. The first part of the example targets a victim's computer on a remote subnet. The second part of the example is destined for the link-local all nodes multicast address FF02::1 and essentially denies service to the entire local LAN that the attacker is connected to. Even the smallest systems can generate 25,000 pps, which is about 25 Mbps of traffic to all hosts.
Example 3-2. Rsmurf6 Attack
[root@fez thc-ipv6-0.7]# ./rsmurf6 -r eth0 2001:db8:12:0:a00:46ff:fe51:9e46 Starting rsmurf6 against 2001:db8:12:0:a00:46ff:fe51:9e46 (Press Control-C to end) ... [root@fez thc-ipv6-0.7]# ./rsmurf6 -r eth0 ff02::1 Starting rsmurf6 against ff02::1 (Press Control-C to end) ... [root@fez thc-ipv6-0.7]#
It should be mentioned that these rsmurf6 attacks are only effective on computers that have IPv6 stacks that allow them to respond to an ICMPv6 packet that was sourced from a multicast address. Most modern IPv6 implementations are intelligent enough to recognize that this is not a valid condition, and they simply drop the packets. In other words, IPv6 hosts should not be responding to echo request packets destined to a multicast group address.
In Chapter 2, "IPv6 Protocol Security Vulnerabilities," you learned that it is a good practice to limit who can send to multicast groups. Because IPv6 does not have broadcast as a form of communications, multicast is the method for one-to-many communications. For this reason, multicast can be leveraged by attackers for packet amplification attacks. Therefore, the solution is to tightly control who can send to multicast groups and when it is appropriate to respond to a multicast packet. Service providers can also consider rate-limiting user connections and particularly rate-limit IPv6 multicast traffic. Most multicasts should be confined to the LAN, so if an attacker is already on your LAN, you need to use other means to protect against that. Physical security, disabling unused switch ports, enabling Ethernet port security, and using an 802.1X or Network Admission Control (NAC) technology are options to prevent unauthorized access to the internal networks.
DoS attacks can be performed using a feedback loop to consume resources or amplify the packets sent to a victim. In Chapter 2, you saw how RH0 packets could be created with a list of embedded IPv6 addresses. The packet would be forwarded to every system in the list before finally being sent to the destination address. If the embedded IPv6 addresses in an RH0 packet were two systems on the Internet listed numerous times, it could cause a type of feedback loop.
Figure 3-1 shows how this type of ping-pong attack would work. The attacker would first send the crafted packet to a network device on the Internet that is susceptible. That system would forward it onto the next system in the list. The two systems could continue to do so until they ran out of bandwidth or resources. However, sometime soon, this type of attack will have limited success because RFC 5095 has deprecated the use of Type 0 routing headers in IPv6 implementations.

Figure 3-1 Internet Feedback Loop
DoS attacks might not just be about flooding traffic. With IPv6, there are going to be a wider variety of nodes attached to the network. IPv6-enabled appliances, mobile devices, sensors, automobiles, and many others can all be networked and addressable. DoS attacks could simply target a specific model of device and render it inoperable. The results could be far more tragic if your IPv6-enabled automobile suddenly stops while on the autobahn. The benefits of using IPv6 are great but so are the consequences if the communication is not secured properly.
Internet Worms
Worms are a type of attack that requires no human interaction. This is different than a virus, which usually requires some form of human interaction to activate. Worms spread by themselves, infect vulnerable computers, and then spread further. Worms perform the entire attack life cycle in one small amount of code. That small amount of code contains the instructions for reconnaissance of new systems, scanning for vulnerabilities, attacking a computer, securing its access, covering its tracks, and spreading further.
Worms can be affected by the introduction of IPv6. This new protocol can affect a worm's ability to spread. It can also affect the techniques that worm developers use to make their code propagate. There are already examples of worms that leverage IPv6. The following sections cover these topics and discuss ways to help prevent worms.
Worm Propagation
Many of the widespread worms in the past eight years have leveraged some vulnerability in software running on a computer. Worms such as Code Red, NIMDA, MS/SQL Slammer, W32/Blaster, W32/Sobig, W32/MyDoom, W32/Bagel, Sasser, and Zotob all took advantage of some Microsoft service vulnerability. Some of them spread over the Internet, and some used email as the medium for reaching other systems. Many worms now spread through email (executable attachments, address books), peer-to-peer, instant message, or file sharing. These types of worm propagation techniques are unaffected by IPv6's introduction.
In the past, worms have used network scanning or random guessing to find other systems to spread to. Worms that spread to random IPv6 addresses cannot spread as fast as in IPv4 networks because IPv6 addresses are sparsely populated while IPv4 addresses are densely populated. Worms have been successful at scanning other IPv4 systems to infect because of the density of the current IPv4 space. Some worms have spread randomly (Code Red, Slammer), while others have spread sequentially (Blaster). It could be postulated that the Sapphire/SQL Slammer worm would not have been as successful on an IPv6 Internet because the size of the IPv6 address space is so large compared to IPv4. The Sapphire/SQL Slammer worm would take many thousands of years to reach its maximum potential on the IPv6 Internet. Given IPv6's immense address space, these types of worms will not be able to guess the addresses of other victims to spread to and infect. Random scanning will not be an option for worms on IPv6 networks. However, if IPv6 addresses are allocated sequentially or are otherwise densely packed, scanning can be just as fast as with IPv4.
Speeding Worm Propagation in IPv6
As worms get smarter, they can overcome many of the issues related to scanning a large IPv6 address space. Worms can increase their scan rate to try to reach more hosts each second. IPv6 worms need to overcome the problems with performing reconnaissance on IPv6 networks. As discussed in Chapter 2, there are many places for a worm to look to help the worm find other hosts to spread to. Worms can also improve their knowledge of the population. This could be done by recognizing only the currently allocated IPv6 address blocks or by seeding their code with several vulnerable systems. Worms could also work to find new targets by looking at other sources of IPv6 addresses.
Worms could consult the infected computer's neighbor cache to find other local systems. The worms would also look anywhere IPv6 addresses are stored to help them identify new targets. Domain Name System (DNS) lookups, local DNS files, /etc/hosts, registries, SSH known_hosts, and other lists of hosts could be consulted. Worms might also listen to the LAN traffic to find other hosts. Sniffing neighbor solicitation packets, Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) packets, and routing updates would help them target specific populations of hosts rather than randomly scanning. Even information about IPv6 addresses stored in logs like syslog, /var/log/messages, and search engine logs would be valuable to a worm.
Worm developers will likely adjust their strategy for IPv6 networks. A worm could infect a single host, and then the worm could use that host's ability to send IPv6 multicast packets within the organization (for example, FF02::1, FF05::1, FF08::1). An example of this can be seen in "Windows Kernel TCP/IP/IGMPv3 and MLDv2 Vulnerability" (MS08-001, CVE-2007-0069), which was discovered early in 2008 ( This vulnerability leveraged a bug in the Windows multicast code using malformed Internet Group Management Protocol version 3 (IGMPv3) packets. A worm could leverage this vulnerability to attack nearby IPv6 hosts and spread to those infected computers. Therefore, a method for mitigating worm attacks could leverage the practice of constraining communication with IPv6 multicast addresses.
It is predicted that worms that check for routable address space can spread even faster. A worm could contain all the routable IP prefixes, and that list would help it eliminate "black" unallocated space. A worm could also look at a host's routing table or passively listen for routing updates (FF01::1 all routers multicast group) on a LAN to learn about other local networks to start scanning. For example, scanning could also be accelerated if the worm could perform a MAC address flood (CAM overflow attack) of the local LAN switch and then listen to all the packets.
Dual-stack worms could leverage either IPv4 or IPv6 protocols to spread in even faster ways than previously using only IPv4. However, with the density of the population using IPv4, worms could spread quickly over only IPv4. Some worms can use a dual-stack approach to infect systems rapidly over IPv4. The worms can check whether the system is dual-stacked and then perform a multicast probe. The systems that respond to the link-local multicast (FF02::1) are then attacked using IPv6. This technique could even accelerate worm propagation in the short term. However, eventually as more IPv6-only hosts exist, this technique will lose its effectiveness.
IPv6 worms must have more advanced techniques to overcome the problem of scanning IPv6 addresses to spread. As these worms are made more sophisticated, more code is required, and the size of the worm increases. This makes it more difficult for the worm to spread because the transmission of the worm requires multiple packets and slows the spread.
Current IPv6 Worms
A few worms have already leveraged IPv6, and unfortunately there will be more in the future. The Slapper worm was released in 2002. It targeted Apache web servers on TCP port 80. After the worm attacked an Apache server, it would then create a copy and spread to other Apache web servers by randomly finding IPv4 servers. It had a sophisticated command and control channel that would allow a hacker to create send commands to the infected servers. One command would send a flood of IPv6 packets toward a victim. Slapper was the first worm that had any type of IPv6 component to it.
W32/Sdbot-VJ is a spyware worm that tries to use the popularity of IPv6 to disguise itself. It does not use IPv6 to spread to other machines; however, it installs the program wipv6.exe and installs several registry entries. The user might be hesitant to delete the file because it might have something to do with the Windows IPv6 drivers. Therefore, it was less likely to be deleted from a computer.
Preventing IPv6 Worms
A few techniques can help contain IPv6 worms. You must keep your antivirus and intrusion prevention system (IPS) signatures up to date so that they can identify new threats. Many worms leverage recent vulnerabilities that have been patched by the manufacturer, but not all customers have implemented the patch. Therefore, keeping software patched on computers and servers is a must. You can also use anomaly detection systems to identify an abnormal spike in traffic of any single protocol type. This would be one way to detect a problem, but the quicker you can detect a rapidly spreading worm and respond to block the propagation, the easier your remediation.
Distributed Denial of Service and Botnets
Sophisticated hackers try to strive for elegant attacks that satisfy their need to prove their superiority. However, many times an advanced attack is not possible and an attacker might still want to perform some type of disruption. Oftentimes it is the less-experienced attackers that simply try to negatively impact a site after they fail at a more sophisticated attack. When their attempts are thwarted, they fall back to trying to cause damage by simply breaking the system and taking it offline. This attack performs a DoS and makes the system unable to provide service to the legitimate users. Attacks of this style that involve a large number of geographically disperse computers are called distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
DDoS attacks are performed by a large set of many Internet-connected computers that have been compromised. These large numbers of computers are controlled by other compromised systems called handlers. The hacker that controls all these computers can send commands to their vast army of "zombies" to send traffic to a victim. These zombie computers are typically Internet-user PCs that have been turned into robots (bots for short) through malicious software. When the "bot herder" directs the botnet to send the large volume of traffic toward the victim, it prevents the victim from being able to communicate. Thus the attack denies the victim Internet access or denies the user's access to the victim's website.
DDoS on IPv6 Networks
DDoS attacks can exist on an IPv6 Internet just like they exist on the current IPv4 Internet. Botnets, which are large networks of zombie infected computers, can be created, and their attacks can be focused on a victim. The use of IPv6 will not change the way that botnets are created and operated. DDoS botnets will unfortunately still exist on IPv6 networks. Botnets can also be used to send email spam and conduct other types of mischief. IPv6 will allow the Internet to contain many more devices than the IPv4 Internet. Imagine if many of these devices were to launch a DDoS attack. The results could be more devastating than today's attacks on the IPv4 Internet.
Attack Filtering
Because an IPv6 address is allocated in a fully hierarchical manner, it would be easier to track down where the traffic is coming from and going to than on the IPv4 Internet, where addresses are not hierarchical. Because of fully hierarchical addressing, inbound/outbound source IP address filtering and unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (RFP) checks will be possible. Viruses and worms that spread using spoofed source addresses will be limited in an IPv6 network if Unicast RPF checks are deployed. Ingress and egress filtering will also limit these types of attacks.
Figure 3-2 shows how two Internet service providers (ISP) have assigned address space to two organizations. If one organization connected to ISP1 sends a large volume of traffic to the victim's host, it could be filtered by ISP1. The traffic could be validated to have legitimate source addresses coming from its assigned address space. Packets with spoofed source addresses would not be allowed to leave the organization. Therefore, if the victim saw attack traffic coming from the 2001:db8:1000::/48 address space, it could be traced back to its source. If an attacking host was using privacy addressing for the network ID portion of the address, the attack could only be traced back as far as the organization.

Figure 3-2 Internet Ingress/Egress Filtering
The hope is that if all ISPs and end-user organizations were to implement full ingress and egress address-spoofing filtering, this would help with tracking down the DDoS attacks. The infected computers could then be quickly determined, and the malicious software could be remediated more quickly.
Attacker Traceback
In the unfortunate circumstance where you have fallen victim to a DoS attack, your first instinct is to look upstream for assistance. The goal is to try to identify the source of the traffic that is coming your way and stop it as close to the source as possible. You must coordinate with your ISP to help contain a DoS attack. Your organization should not wait until this happens to work out procedures with your ISP to help you handle this. An organization should know ahead of time the contact information and procedures to follow to perform last-hop traceback.
Traceback in IPv6 networks involves finding the source address of the offending packets and then tracking down the offending host to a subnet. Then, tracking down the IPv6 address and the binding to the Layer 2 address (or asymmetric digital subscriber line [ADSL] port) of the host can be done at that site. Then, one could find out what Ethernet port the user is connected to and then investigate further. This procedure should be documented ahead of time so that it can be used quickly during an attack.
This process is time consuming and takes coordination between your own ISP and many others, and it is not applicable if the attack is a DDoS because there are literally thousands of attack sources. If you are trying to stop an attack by a botnet that could potentially contain thousands of bots, the task is overwhelming. Each of these bots is not sending traffic sourced from its own IP address, so tracing back to this many systems seems futile. The zombie hosts create traffic that looks like normal web traffic, so finding out which connections are legitimate is nearly impossible. The traffic patterns that these botnets create can be observed by using NetFlow to track statistics about each protocol flow. The flow records can be checked for traffic coming to or from an organization or service provider network. The collected NetFlow data can help trace the source of the traffic back to the source organization's network. However, the act of reaching out to that many users to have them remediate their systems is not feasible in most situations.
Your organization probably has a firewall, and you might have an IPS. Those two systems can try to stop the attack by filtering out traffic. However, the web requests will not match any known "signature," but either system can easily be configured to simply drop all traffic. That can stop the attack, but it would also stop all other valid users from reaching your servers. Furthermore, your Internet connection can be so saturated with traffic that blocking at your site has limited value.
If the attack that is hitting your network is a SYN-Flood attack, a solution is available. A SYN-Flood attack is where the packets with spoofed source addresses are sent to the web servers and they have the SYN TCP flag set. The server tries the second part of the three-way TCP handshake by sending back a SYN-ACK TCP flag packet to the spoofed source address. Because that packet never reaches the spoofed source, the three-way handshake never takes place and the web server retains the state of the connection for some time. Meanwhile the web server is hit with many of these false connections, and they drive up its CPU and memory utilization.
A technique that would help in this instance is to leverage an application front-end system or server load-balancing system that can terminate those SYN packets and send back the SYN-ACK on behalf of the server. The SYN cookie technique can also be used to verify the initial sequence number (ISN) of the client connection. If the client sends back the legitimate final ACK to complete the three-way handshake, the connection is legitimate. The server load balancer can then make the connection to the web server on behalf of the client, and the HTTP request can take place normally. False SYN-Flood traffic does not reach the server, but legitimate connections are served.
Black Holes and Dark Nets
During any type of attack or for other reasons an ISP can create a situation where traffic destined for a site can be dropped. The traffic is routed into a black hole, where it is simply discarded. To do this, the service provider creates a route to Null 0 on its routers and redistributes that route to the other peering routers in its infrastructure. The route can be for an entire prefix or for a specific IP address. All the routers with this null route simply drop the packets destined for that prefix. This technique was defined in RFC 3882, "Configuring BGP to Block Denial-of-Service Attacks," and is also known as a Remotely Triggered Black Hole (RTBH). The problem with this technique is that it is crude and can block legitimate traffic as well as the malicious traffic from the attack. However, this same technique can be applied to the IPv6 Internet.
ISPs also can use the RTBH technique to trace the source of the malicious traffic. When the traffic is routed to the black hole, ICMP error messages are created. Monitoring the ICMP error messages gives an indication of where the traffic entered the service provider's network. There are many different versions of this same technique. Different ISPs use different solutions to help them track down where the malicious traffic is entering their network. The goal is to identify where the traffic is coming from and then work back toward the source. This usually involves cooperation with other ISPs.
Another technique for learning about Internet threats involves the creation of a darknet for some portion of public address space. A public prefix is advertised by a service provider to the Internet, but that prefix has no services within it. Instead that network contains a computer that is monitoring all traffic coming into that network. Any packets that are on the service provider's network destined for that address space end up being monitored. Because that prefix has never been used, there is no legitimate reason for any packets to be going to it. Therefore, the only things going to the darknet network are transient packets that can be the results of scanning attacks.
Darknets, or network telescopes as they are also known, help researchers understand hacker behavior. They are similar to a honeynet, but there is no interaction with the hacker. No packets leave the darknet, but anything that enters the darknet is seen by a protocol sniffer. The sniffer can archive the data for future analysis and it can also pick up trends. However, few packets enter an IPv6 darknet, so it can be difficult to interpret results. However, there is a lot of public IPv6 address space available to perform these types of experiments.