21. | - Enhancing Your Network with Voice and Video Gadgets
- Oct 24, 2008
- Eric Geier covers accessories and gadgets you can use to enhance your wired or WiFi network.
22. | - CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Exam Guide: Introduction to Wireless LANs
- Jul 15, 2008
- This chapter examines the basic concepts, standards, installation, and security options for some of the most common WLAN technologies today.
23. | - Securing Wireless Networks
- Jul 2, 2008
- This chapter discusses wireless security, including a checklist for securing Wi-Fi.
24. | - Wireless LANs: Extending the Reach of a LAN
- By
Stephen McQuerry
- Jun 17, 2008
- This chapter describes the reasons for extending the reach of a LAN and the methods that can be used to do so, with a focus on RF wireless access.
25. | - Setting Up a Wi-Fi Hotspot Using m0n0wall
- Mar 9, 2007
- Need to set up a Wi-Fi hotspot that requires your patrons to authenticate? Sounds too expensive? On the contrary. Kulvir Singh Bhogal shows you how to set up the hotspot on the dirt-cheap.
26. | - The Business Side of Hosting a Hotspot
- Jan 12, 2007
- Eric Geier explains the benefits of hosting a hotspot, such as generating additional revenue and attracting more people to your business or organization, and the associated costs of doing so. This will help you decide which type of hotspot is best for your particular situation.
27. | - Enterprise-Class Wireless LANs: Guidelines for A Successful Architecture and Design
- Jul 21, 2006
- This chapter adopts a "60,000-foot view" of the challenges ahead and asks you to answer some key questions on technical, financial, and program management issues. The chapter also introduces such topics as strategic preparation and planning, architectural considerations, and program management. Upon completion, you will be prepared to describe in strategic terms where you will deploy, how you will deploy, how you will fund and manage your deployment.
28. | - Wireless LAN Design
- Jun 2, 2006
- This chapter discusses wireless LAN (WLAN) technology and describes how it improves mobility. After introducing WLANs as strategic assets to corporate networks, WLAN standards and components are discussed. The security and management of WLANs are explored, followed by design considerations for WLANs.
29. | - Trash Your Pocket PC Synchronization Cable and Go Wireless
- Feb 10, 2006
- Do you daydream about new ways to be wireless? Kulvir Bhogal shows you how to synchronize your wirelessly-enabled Pocket PC with your PC over your wireless network — with no strings attached!
30. | - Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking: Installing and Configuring Access Points
- Dec 1, 2005
- The largest hurdle toward getting your wireless LAN (WLAN) up and running is the configuration of your access points (APs) and wireless clients. This chapter examines how to install and configure the AP.
31. | - Mobile IP Technology and Applications
- Jul 8, 2005
- This chapter highlights the major concepts of IOS Mobile IP configuration in a simple lab topology. It presents in detail the most important concepts in IOS Mobile IP configuration. We start out by using six routers to examine each component individually. Several alternatives requiring fewer routers are presented at the end of the chapter.
32. | - Cracking Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), Part 2
- Mar 11, 2005
- Concluding his two-part series, Seth Fogie describes in detail how WPA-PSK can be cracked.
33. | - Discovering Site-Specific Requirements for 802.11 Wireless Network Site Surveying and Installation
- Dec 10, 2004
- This chapter outlines the physical logictics of installing a wireless network into a building. Concerns regarding the architecture and layout of the building are addressed, so that you can plan appropriately.
34. | - Wireless System Architecture: How Wireless Works
- Oct 15, 2004
- Apart from transmitting the information over the air, wireless networks are very much like wired networks. However, that seemingly small difference can lead to some very large problems if you don't understand the nuances of this medium. Read this chapter to find out how wireless networks work, and why they need to be administered differently from traditional, wired networks.
35. | - Cisco Frame Relay Configurations
- Apr 30, 2004
- Jonathan Chin dicussess basic Frame Relay operations on Cisco routers in a router-based Frame Relay network.
36. | - Fiber-Optic Technologies
- Apr 23, 2004
- Vivek Alwayn discusses in this chapter the increasing demand of optical-fiber and its wide spread applications ranging from global networks to desktop computers.
37. | - Wireless LAN Fundamentals: Mobility
- Jan 9, 2004
- This sample chapter covers the characteristics of roaming, Layer 2 and 3 roaming, and an introduction to Mobile IP.
38. | - Frame Relay for ICND Exam
- Aug 29, 2003
- Wendell Odom tells you what you need to know to ace the Frame Relay portion of the ICND Exam. In this sample chapter, he concentrates on Frame Relay protocols and configuration.
39. | - Developing "Deploying License-Free Wireless Wide-Area Networks"
- Jul 11, 2003
40. | - Book Review: "Deploying Wireless WANs" and Interview with Jack Unger
- Mar 14, 2003