81. | - Cisco Networking Academy's Introduction to VLANs
- Apr 7, 2014
- This chapter will cover how to configure, manage, and troubleshoot VLANs and VLAN trunks. It will also examine security considerations and strategies relating to VLANs and trunks, and best practices for VLAN design.
82. | - Cisco Networking Simplified: Security
- Jun 20, 2003
- Security should be designed around efforts to protect from the outside and control from the inside. Discover the vital aspects of security and identity and how each can function to keep your company and its parts safe.
83. | - Cisco NX-OS and Cisco Nexus Switching: Unified Fabric
- Apr 26, 2013
- This chapter shows the basic Nexus 5x00 and Nexus 7000 configurations necessary to provide a Unified access method for LAN data traffic and SAN storage traffic.
84. | - Cisco OSPF Route Redistribution
- Jul 5, 2002
- Use this complete reference to Cisco OSPF commands next time your network needs route redistribution. Ten example scenarios clearly illustrate the purpose, syntax, and usage of each command.
85. | - Cisco PIX: Advanced Features and Attack Guards
- Dec 28, 2001
- This sample chapter introduces the concepts and configuration elements of the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall features necessary to securely handle multichannel TCP applications. You will learn about advanced protocol handling, multimedia support, and attack guards.
86. | - Cisco PIX: Failover Demystified
- Dec 28, 2001
- Failover provides a second PIX Firewall if the first one fails. This article covers the following Failover topics: operation, configuration replication, monitoring, fail back rules, and interface testing.
87. | - Cisco Router Firewall Security: DoS Protection
- Oct 22, 2004
- A Denial-of-Service (DOS) attack can cause immense harm to your business. In this chapter, you can learn how to deal with such an attack, and minimize the damage done.
88. | - Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) 5.2 and User Change Password (UCP)
- Feb 14, 2011
- This article teaches you how to use the User Change Password (UCP) service in Cisco ACS to allow users defined in the ACS internal database to first authenticate themselves and then change their own password.
89. | - Cisco Self-Study: Implementing Cisco IPv6 Networks (IPV6)
- Jun 6, 2003
- Discover the ins and outs of the new IPv6 header format. You will also learn different configuration processes of IPv6 in relation to Cisco.
90. | - Cisco TelePresence Room Design
- Jun 17, 2009
- This chapter covers the spatial, aesthetic, environmental, and technical requirements for designing an ideal space for a Cisco Telepresence system.
91. | - Cisco Unified Communications System Fundamentals
- Sep 10, 2004
- This chapter will help you get started in administrating Cisco's Unified Communications System, with an understanding of how the system routes calls and information, as well as an understanding of the utilities available to administrators.
92. | - Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Platform Deployment
- Jul 27, 2011
93. | - Cisco Unified Wireless LAN Security Fundamentals
- Dec 3, 2010
- This chapter discusses the fundamentals of wireless LAN security in the context of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network (CUWN).
94. | - Cisco Unity: About Unified Messaging
- Sep 17, 2004
- Unified messaging is a wonderful utility for your users, but it can be a headache for administrators. This chapter discusses the challenges associated with unified messaging as a part of the voice data convergence paradigm for the messaging application layer.
95. | - Cisco Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Configuration
- Sep 25, 2013
- In this article networking consultant Sean Wilkins takes real-world concepts and discusses how those concepts can be applied onto real VRRP devices.
96. | - Cisco WAAS Architecture, Hardware, and Sizing
- Feb 1, 2010
- This chapter provides an introduction to the Cisco WAAS hardware family, along with an in-depth examination of the hardware and software architecture.
97. | - Classification and Marking for Cisco DQOS and QOS Exams
- Sep 19, 2003
- Brush up on your skills with this review of exam topics and objectives for the Cisco DQOS and QoS exams.
98. | - Computer Incident Response and Product Security: Operating an Incident Response Team
- Dec 17, 2010
- This chapter covers aspects of running an incidence response team (IRT) such as team size, team member profiles, cooperating with other groups, preparing for incidents, and measuring success.
99. | - Concentrator Remote Access Connections with PPTP, L2TP, and WebVPN
- Jun 9, 2006
- This chapter will focus on using a concentrator to terminate other types of remote access sessions, including PPTP, L2TP over IPsec, and WebVPN. The remainder of this chapter will focus on the configuration of the concentrator to support these types of remote access VPN implementations.
100. | - Configuration of Frame Mode MPLS
- By
David Hucaby, Stephen McQuerry
- Jul 28, 2010
- This chapter covers the background and configuration of frame mode Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS).