141. | - Early Cbus Routers
- Feb 8, 2002
- This sample chapter from CCIE Professional Development: Inside Cisco IOS Software Architecture covers the following key topics: AGS+ hardware architecture, packet switching with the Cbus, and the Cisco 7000 Series router.
142. | - Effective BGP Policy Control
- Jan 23, 2004
143. | - Eight Cool Things You Probably Don’t Know About Data Centers
- Sep 27, 2012
- Doug Alger, author of The Art of the Data Center, discusses eight cool things most people don’t realize about Data Centers in this InformIT exclusive audio segment.
144. | - E-Learning Goes Global: How the Cisco Networking Academy Transforms Lives
- Dec 10, 2004
- With its global success in transforming lives, learning, and social paradigms, the Cisco Networking Academy Program is hailed as a remarkably successful example of a productivity pyramid metaphor.
145. | - End-to-End DSL Architectures
- Apr 4, 2003
146. | - Enhancing Your Network with Voice and Video Gadgets
- Oct 24, 2008
- Eric Geier covers accessories and gadgets you can use to enhance your wired or WiFi network.
147. | - Enterprise-Class Wireless LANs: Guidelines for A Successful Architecture and Design
- Jul 21, 2006
- This chapter adopts a "60,000-foot view" of the challenges ahead and asks you to answer some key questions on technical, financial, and program management issues. The chapter also introduces such topics as strategic preparation and planning, architectural considerations, and program management. Upon completion, you will be prepared to describe in strategic terms where you will deploy, how you will deploy, how you will fund and manage your deployment.
148. | - Examining Cisco AAA Security Technology
- Feb 22, 2002
- This chapter examines Cisco AAA security technology, including authentication, authorization, and accounting methods, and AAA security servers.
149. | - Exploring QoS in Catalyst
- Jul 4, 2003
- Discover the workings of the the various platform QoS features available across the Cisco Catalyst product family. You will gain full understanding of each Catalyst platform's supported QoS features and be able to configure various Catalyst families of switches.
150. | - Exploring the Modern Computer Network: Types, Functions, and Hardware
- Dec 19, 2013
- This chapter focuses on networking as a primary platform for supporting communication. It describes types of networks, how they are used, and the type of hardware that runs them.
151. | - Fiber-Optic Technologies
- Apr 23, 2004
- Vivek Alwayn discusses in this chapter the increasing demand of optical-fiber and its wide spread applications ranging from global networks to desktop computers.
152. | - Fibre Channel Products for SANs
- Jun 28, 2002
- To build a successful SAN that fulfills all or most of the business requirements of a corporation, each device must be chosen with care and understanding. This sample chapter discusses the most popular Fibre Channel options.
153. | - Firesheep, Fireshepherd, and Facebook: Understanding Session Hijacking
- Feb 22, 2011
- Mike Chapple shows you how web authentication makes session hijacking possible, how Firesheep exploits these vulnerabilities, and the measures that website administrators, web developers, and end users can take to protect against session hijacking attacks.
154. | - Five Applications to Secure Your Wi-Fi Hotspot Connections
- May 13, 2010
- Don't risk eavesdroppers capturing your email, passwords, and other sensitive info! Eric Geier reviews five helpful apps that encrypt your wireless traffic.
155. | - Five Crucial Commands for Verifying Cisco Switch Network Status and Operational State
- Aug 11, 2015
- A network engineer needs to be conscious of the state of the network and every device connected to it. But when your network consists of multiple devices connected at a distance, how can you test connections and keep on top of network performance? Sean Wilkins, co-author of CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Network Simulator, discusses five basic commands you need to know and use correctly to maintain your Cisco network.
156. | - Five Ways to Increase Your Wi-Fi Network's Range
- May 15, 2009
- Eric Geier shows ways to extend your wireless network, from things you can do without spending a dime to adding additional APs.
157. | - Functional Deployment Models and Call Flows for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal
- Jan 3, 2012
- This chapter discusses some of Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal's well-defined and commonly referenced functional deployment models.
158. | - Getting Owned: The USB Keystroke Injection Attack
- Oct 6, 2010
- What do you call a USB-based device that can bypass all AV and autorun policies? Although most would consider it a perfect mischievous attack vector, Hyundai has used it as a tool to build customer loyalty. This leaves Seth Fogie wondering: Are people are planning to maliciously use this technology?
159. | - Getting Started with the Cisco PIX Firewall
- Apr 11, 2003
160. | - Green Data Center Design and Build Strategies
- Aug 12, 2009
- This chapter discusses methods for limiting the environmental impact that occurs during the construction of a Data Center.