21. | - Backup Basics Part 1: Demystifying Server and Workstation Backup Methods
- Jun 16, 2006
- Understanding the options for backing up servers and workstations is important for any technician or system/server administrator. But for new IT staff, all the details about how backups work and how to configure them can be confusing. In this first article in a three-part series, Ryan Faas demystifies the various types of backups that can be performed on servers and workstations using most backup applications.
22. | - Backup Basics Part 2: Demystifying Backup Media
- Jun 30, 2006
- In part two of a three-part series on backup basics, Ryan Faas continues to demystify backup options for new technicians and server/systems administrators. This time, the topic is choosing the media in which to store your backups. Find out the pros and cons of tape, hard drives, and RAID arrays; using network storage; and archiving using CDs or DVDs.
23. | - Backup Basics Part 3: General Tips for a Backup Strategy
- Jul 14, 2006
- Knowing how to configure backup applications and select backup media is half the battle of designing a successful backup strategy. The other half is choosing how and when to back up the specific pieces of data that are stored on your servers, share points, and workstations. In this final article of his series on backup basics for new technicians and administrators, Ryan Faas offers some suggestions to help you make these important decisions.
24. | - Basic Cisco IOS Software and Catalyst 3550 Series Security
- Jul 25, 2003
- Become comfortable with basic Cisco IOS Software and Catalyst 3550 security features with an introduction to password management, disabling unnecessary services, setting up secure HTTP and NTP services, and SSH.
25. | - Basic IP Connectivity and Troubleshooting in Cisco Express Forwarding
- Oct 26, 2007
26. | - Basic IPsec VPN Topologies and Configurations
- Sep 29, 2006
- In this chapter, you will review several common deployments of IPsec virtual private networks (VPNs).
27. | - Best Practices for Deploying Secure Cisco IP Telephony Solutions
- Oct 31, 2012
- A brief discussion of why it's important to secure IP Telephony Networks, how to go about it, and the actual deployment thereof.
28. | - Book Review: "Deploying Wireless WANs" and Interview with Jack Unger
- Mar 14, 2003
29. | - Border Gateway Protocol, Route Manipulation, and IP Multicast
- Oct 26, 2007
30. | - Broadband Routers and Firewalls
- Nov 17, 2006
31. | - Building a Human Firewall: Raising Awareness to Protect Against Social Engineering
- Oct 27, 2006
- Thierry Wohnlich proposes an alternate view of information security awareness, a view that takes into consideration the reasons behind the need for awareness, and discusses the role of the individuals in relation to information technology.
32. | - Building Cisco IDS 3.0(3) Custom Signatures
- Feb 15, 2002
- Tuning your IDS to meet your specific network requirements is crucial for optimum protection of your network, as discussed in this article by Earl Carter.
33. | - Building Multiservice Transport Networks: MSPP Network Design Example: Cisco ONS 15454
- Oct 13, 2006
- The Cisco ONS 15454 is a highly flexible and highly scalable multiservice Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)/dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) platform. Service providers and enterprise customers use the ONS 15454 to build highly available transport networks for time-division multiplexing (TDM), Ethernet, storage extension, and wavelength services. In this chapter, you will learn the major components of the ONS 15454 system.
34. | - Building Resilient IP Networks: The Access Module
- Jun 9, 2006
- This chapter focuses on Ethernet switching technology, specifically Layer 2 network resiliency and how it should be built to provide a solid foundation for the Layer 3 network.
35. | - Campus Distribution (Cisco Catalyst 4500) QoS Design
- Jan 22, 2014
- This chapter discusses the best-practice QoS design recommendations for the Cisco Catalyst 4500 (Supervisor 6-E/7-E) series switch in the role of a campus distribution layer switch.
36. | - Capturing Network Traffic for the Catalyst 6000 IDS Module
- Feb 15, 2002
- With the addition of the Catalyst 6000 IDS Module, you can integrate your Cisco IDS directly into your network’s infrastructure, as discussed by expert Earl Carter.
37. | - CCDC and the Tale of the Insider Threat
- May 24, 2010
- Brad Bowers discusses the value of including the threat of insider attacks in Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) events.
38. | - CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Exam Guide: Introduction to Wireless LANs
- Jul 15, 2008
- This chapter examines the basic concepts, standards, installation, and security options for some of the most common WLAN technologies today.
39. | - CCIE Routing and Switching Practice Lab
- Aug 20, 2004
- This practice lab from Martin Duggan and Maurilio Gorito will help you prepare for the CCIE, with a focus on Routing Information Protocol (RIP V2).
40. | - CCNA ICND2 Exam Guide: Troubleshooting IP Routing
- Jul 10, 2008
- This troubleshooting chapter explains ping and traceroute commands, the troubleshooting the packet forwarding process, and provides troubleshooting tools and tips.