Cisco 6400 UAC Overview
This section provides an overview of 6400 Universal Access Concentrator (UAC) hardware components (see Figure 8-3). Functional descriptions are provided for each component. How all the components work together within the system is also described.
8-3 Cisco 6400 UAC Hardware Component
The 6400 is a broadband concentrator that supports Cisco's ATM services, PPP termination, and tunneling. The Cisco 6400 combines ATM switching and routing in a modular and scalable platform.
The 6400 UAC comprises three major functional components:
Node Line Card (NLC)A half-height line card. It features two OC-3 ATM interfaces and supports SONET APS 1+1 redundancy.
Node Switch Processor (NSP)The centerpiece of the 6400 system. It performs ATM switching and per-flow queuing for the ATM virtual circuits.
Node Route Processor (NRP)Based on the Cisco 7200 series router. It supports a variety of configurations, including PPP over ATM and RFC 1483 bridging. It is a full-height line card.
Figure 8-4 illustrates how these components work together.
8-4 Typical Traffic Flow for the Cisco 6400 UAC
The NLC receives traffic from the DSLAM or other ATM network. The NLC sends this traffic to the NSP. The NSP acts as an ATM switch. The ATM cells must be sent from the NSP to the NRP. The NRP handles routing functions for the 6400. The NRP reassembles the ATM cells into data packets and determines where the data needs to be sent. Direct data connections can be made via a Fast Ethernet port on the NRP. Other data packets are sent back through the NSP to the NLC, where these packets may be routed through the ATM network.
Understanding interface numbering is also important before you configure the 6400. The interface slot/subslot/port convention is used for both NLC and NRP. For NLC, the valid subslot and port number are 0 and 1. Because NRP is a full-height card, the subslot and port are always 0. In Example 8-6, NRP is installed in slot 1 and NLC is installed in slot 8, subslot 1.
Example 8-6 Cisco 6400 UAC Interface Numbering
interface atm 1/0/0 NRP in slot 1 interface atm 8/1/0 NLC in slot 8, sub-slot 1, port 0
All line cards are connected to the ATM backplane to the NSP. This interface is known as interface ATM0/0/0 and can be thought of as the interface to the NSP from an NLC or NRP card's perspective. Example 8-7 shows information about the NSP's ATM backplane.
Example 8-7 Internal Connection to the CPU Card
lab-6400NSP#show interface atm 0/0/0 ATM0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is CPU card MTU 4470 bytes, sub MTU 4470, BW 155520 Kbit, DLY 0 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set Keepalive not supported Encapsulation(s): 4096 maximum active VCs, 0 current VCCs VC idle disconnect time: 300 seconds Signalling vc = 35, vpi = 0, vci = 16 UNI Version = 3.0, Link Side = user
To create an ATM PVC on the Cisco 6400, you can use the following command syntax:
interface atm slot/subslot/port atm pvc vpi vci interface atm slot/subslot/port vpi vci
Example 8-8 shows you how to create an ATM PVC. From the NSP, to create PVC 1/100 coming from NLC 8/0/0 to NRP 1/0/0, the 6400 commands are as shown.
Example 8-8 Creating an ATM PVC from the NLC to the NRP
interface atm 8/0/0 atm pvc 1 100 atm1/0/0 1 100