Microsoft Integration
Figure 14-7 illustrates how to integrate a Cisco presence solution within a Microsoft environment in an enterprise.

Figure 14-7 Cisco to Microsoft Integration
Cisco Unified Communications IM&P implements a Computer-Supported Telephony Application to Computer Telephony Integration (CSTA-to-CTI) bridge to integrate with Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) and Skype for Business interfaces. Cisco Unified Communications IM&P includes the following CTI gateway functionalities:
- CSTA over SIP interface to Microsoft Skype for Business and OCS server is available.
- A CTI interface to CUCM is available.
- A linkage of the older Microsoft Office Communicator (MOC) and the current Microsoft Skype for Business client and CUCM endpoints for a specific user is realized, which supports monitoring of CUCM endpoint activity via Microsoft clients. Support for call establishment and call modification for CUCM endpoints via Microsoft clients is also included.
- The functionality provides click to dial, phone hook status reporting, and general phone control directly from the Microsoft client.